The Kids
Alex Holdford
  Kinsey Cook
Alex lives with his mother in another state and has just completed eighth grade as an honor student. Alex plays the clarinet exceedingly well. He has a passion for video games and helping others. This summer, Alex will be prepping for the national marching band competition to be held in Indianapolis, Indiana.   Kinsey completed sixth grade as an honor student. She has a passion for basketball and loves the outdoors. Kinsey plays percussion instruments in the band. She will be attending art classes, several basketball camps and other events this summer. She will also be preparing for tryouts for the school basketball team.

As parents, Tracy and I feel extremely blessed to have such wonderfully compassionate, bright and multi-talented kids. Both kids are extremely helpful, empathetic and wise beyond their years. We also feel extremely blessed that the kids have similar ideals and interests. When we are fortunate enough to have Alex with us, the family quickly fits into a rhythm of fun and enjoyment.
Cindy & Tracy Q & A

Tracy Holdford Bio
Cindy Cook Bio
Our Kids


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