Cindy and Tracy Q & A

Q. What do you feel are your partner's biggest assets?

A. CINDY: Tracy has so many assets, I couldn't pick just one. What is somewhat obvious to most, is Tracy's ability as a Shaman and as a healer. The depth and breadth of his knowledge and skills are only a small aspect of his overall Spiritual connection and understanding. Tracy also has an enormous capacity for compassion, allowing others to simply be who they are. Tracy's ability to teach others the valuable tools of life and wholeness is vast. In our personal relationship, Tracy is always growing and exploring within himself personally. As he helps others grow, he is also growing within himself and within our relationship. Tracy's abilities to counsel others in a therapeutic capacity is enormous. The world has only begun to see his true abilities. This response is but a minute aspect of Tracy's assets as he is now and as he is continues his own Spiritual path.

A. TRACY: While Cindy has more than a few assets, the largest I feel is the depth and width of her abilities. She is a truly Renaissance person. From her ability to create fine art, drawing, sculpting, glass bead making, photography, poetry, to her ability to create art in the form of web pages. She has the ability to receive the abstract thoughts of a person and taking that to a functional, yet beautiful site on the web, while making it appear easy. Her ability to communicate in all spectra is elegant and concise. She has the ability to fix an automobile, electrical appliance, or plumbing with the same ease as her creating something beautiful out of odds and ends. She has the ability to hit a ripping 3 point shot in basketball and hold her own in the paint. Regardless if it is arrangement of room or arrangement on the piano, she does it so well that again, it appears easy. Be it teaching in the class room to her taking classes she is able to comprehend information that can be used for all aspects of her being. To being a healer and at the same time healing, she pulls information and techniques that are in themselves art forms. For her, there is no medium that she cannot create in. Be it functional, beautiful, playful, or just because – Cindy can do it.

Q. What is your favorite thing about your partner?

A. CINDY: There are so many favorite things (why have limits!). If I had to pick just a few, I would say that his wonderful hugs are high on my list. When Tracy wraps his arms around me and I feel his heart and love, it can be so indescribably wonderful. Another favorite thing would be our deep intellectual and philosophical discussions - the adventures never end!

Just by being himself, Tracy has the ability to help others be all they can be - or even more than they think they could have ever been. With deep respect and appreciation, Tracy has helped me see my true essence and possibilities. He has loved me as unconditionally as a partner can and supported me through my personal explorations and growth.

A. TRACY: My favorite thing about Cindy is her ability to play and have fun. She has had a life that has not been easy for her. Being ahead of your time can easily lead to cynicism and a hardness that does not invite anyone to get to know you. Cindy has avoided this and kept the playfulness and has given herself permission to have fun in most areas of her life. With her impressive talents can come a heavy sense of responsibility that is not what life is about, I feel. Cindy has kept the fun in life, the joy and ease which is all our birth right, she lives almost daily. And is teaching me to do the same!

Q. How do you see your partnership 20 years from now?

A. CINDY: I see Tracy and I making a large impact on humanity through the development of The Village of Healing, through the authorship of books and creation of workshops. Personally, I see us very joyful, comfortable and fulfilled. I see us each forever exploring our own personal and Spiritual growth, while exploring our path together. Each day is a new day with Tracy, I expect this will continue throughout our relationship. To put it succinctly, I see us as healthy, happy and abundantly prosperous partners fulling exploring life.

A. TRACY: This is a more profound question for me than for most people. After my stroke, I had to relearn to believe in a future. That was a process that took a better part of a year for me. The person holding that lamp of hope for me was Cindy. I see us as slightly scandalous mid sixty-ish partners living life to the fullest. There isn’t much telling what we will be doing. We will be doing something, as sitting around isn’t our style. What we are doing now will evolve into what is needed. Constantly growing as individuals will facilitate our growing as a couple which will facilitate whatever it is that God and the universe will have us do. We will never retire as what we are doing can’t be considered work, but will play an integral part of our lives. We will be living life fully, however. If anything, doing is not a functional term for us, our being will be fully engaged and involved. In the time span of the next 20 years, I see us as fully loving each others being in such a way that today words really cannot describe. I see us as playing in whatever area we choose. We will be in the truest since of the word, partners. With time comes a knowing, a comfort that allows true exploration of a person on all levels. Our partnership will feel as fresh in twenty years as it did the first time we met.

  Tracy Holdford Bio
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